Regardless of whether you are attempting to get more fit or basically keep up a more healthy eating routine, a food journal can help you out. Here are 5 reasons you should definitely keep one:
1) To lose weight: Recording all that you eat will make you less inclined to get the nibbles of chocolate or sweet in the workplace or refrain from requesting that additional side of fries when eating out. Regularly individuals disregard the little tidbits that could possibly be shielding them from losing weight.
2) To induce portion control: Eating healthy is not enough when you are trying to lose weight; you also have to keep a track of the portions of your meal. Using a journal will help you become aware of extra portions you consume and likewise, you can cut down on it.
3) To analyze the cause of unhealthy eating choices: It can be helpful to scribble down your area, time of day, and state of mind when you crave junk food. Monitoring these things can uncover how pressure, work, or certain situations influence your food choices of either sugary or starchy foods.
4) To keep a track of your nutrition: Monitoring each of your meal will uncover something beyond calorie intake and nourishment; it will also assist you in tracking your food allergies or any intolerance.
5) To Help You Plan Out Meals: A food journal can help you plan out your meals of the week on Sundays itself. You can research and develop your meals according to your body type, weight, fitness level and also order groceries accordingly.